We Never Outgrow the Gospel


We never outgrow the Gospel of Jesus, it is not just good news on the day of salvation, it is THE news we need to return to throughout each and every day, but we often forget.

The book of Galatians was Paul’s first letter to the churches, and like us, they were already forgetting the gospel, and returning to religion, to rules and regulations, over a less cut and dry lifestyle of worshiping Christ. Paul calls them foolish, because they had begun with the Spirit, but were now returning to human effort. They were trying to make a way for themselves when Christ already had done that for them. Sound familiar?

We grow in Christ not by revving our religious engines and piling high our good deeds, but by  daily dying to self and relying fully on the Holy Spirit for everything, for apart from remaining in Christ, we can do NOTHING! (John 15:5)

Maybe you need this freeing reminder today, that it’s not by might, not by power, but by the Spirit of God that you CAN thrive as a mama today, that you can love your kids, serve your husband well, do all the things and bring glory to God in the messiness of motherhood. God isn’t asking you to do it by yourself. If you feel like you’ve been given more than you can handle, it’s probably because God is trying to push you to stop relying on yourself, and to rely fully on Him!

God has graciously given us His Spirit to fuel each moment, but it requires us to exchange our pride for His power. Let’s not return to the tug in our heart that whispers, take control, rely on these sure things, but instead, we have to let go and allow God to fill us with His Spirit. Walking by faith increases our worship in the everyday moments where we must pray for strength, for the words to say, and for forgiveness when we mess up. It’s funny how letting go and letting God actually brings Him so much more glory, not just in our hearts but in our actions too- it’s all about Jesus!

Today let’s walk in moment by moment dependence, in a way that says #byeFelecia to the pressure to perform, and a big hello to the power to live for God that only comes from God. As you continually lay aside your old self, and put on the new, keep remembering the gospel, that you were saved by grace through faith, not by works so that no one can boast. (But the scripture doesn’t stop here, it immediately talks about how our works change!) For we are God’s MASTERPIECE, created in Christ Jesus to do good things that He prepared in advance for us to do. (Ephesians 2:9-10)

Remembering the gospel at every step of every day and relying on the Spirit instead of yourself is the beginning of the most exciting journey, of living out the words on the pages of the story God has already written for you! Let’s walk by the Spirit today mamas!

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