Uniquely Gifted, You’re Called on Mission With God’s Family

Agape Moms is a grass roots movement that empowers everyday moms to make disciples as we live on mission in everyday, messy mom-life.

We take seriously Christ’s design for the church and His call to EVERY believer to use the gifts He’s given them, and join Him on mission every single day, not just on Sunday or during a church program.

Agape Moms is not something new, it’s returning to something old, it’s returning back to being the family of God as we see in Acts 2, and praying for this revival in our local churches too. The church isn’t a building, it’s the people of God. It’s not a brand. It’s not a performance. It’s a new identity!

If you have been sensing God pull your heart towards living for Him in a way that says, “my life is all yours, use it for your glory!” then please message us or visit our website so you can learn more about being equipped to make disciples in everyday, messy mom-life, and the opportunity to start an Agape Moms.

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