Stories of God's Faithfulness in a Season of Quarantine

Agape Moms is kicking off a new series to celebrate God’s faithfulness during the season of quarantine, and we’d love to include your story! 2020 and into 2021 was an extremely difficult time for every person on this planet. From the pandemic, losing loved ones, to the trickle down affects of losing jobs, a deeply divided country, loss of many comforts and the ability to gather in community- it was likely the most unique season of our lives. Depending on the state you lived in, these lock downs varied in duration and intensity, as did the repercussions.

Rather than focusing on all the bad of 2020, or even ways that people responded differently to the pandemic, we want to come together in unity and focus on the good things God did in and through us during such a challenging time.

BUT GOD, he was at work, wasn’t he? It’s time to tell those stories!

We especially want to focus on how God showed us our need for community by taking it away, how community was different during quarantine, and how we will now pursue Christ-centered community with a passion as we go forward, and with so much gratitude!

We’d especially love to highlight how your Agape Moms community (if you’re in one!) was a blessing, how it was the hands and feet of Jesus, and carried out the great commission despite it looking different.
We’d love to inspire more women to train on our website to begin an Agape Moms chapter in their local community. As we all emerge from this season of quarantine, we are no doubt longing for Christ-centered relationships and to fulfill God’s purpose for our lives of making disciples, as we live on mission, in everyday messy mom life.

So, will you share your story of God’s faithfulness during a season of quarantine with with us? Will you give God glory for what He has done, even if the story is a little messy? Sometimes it’s through pain and hardship that God can show us himself and his promises the most clearly.

Please email or message Laura DiLeonardi to submit a blog post that will also go out on Agape Moms’ Instagram and Facebook.