What Could God Do With Your “Yes?”

Let’s dream about what God might do with your yes. 💥 As I look back on this memory from my living room 2 years ago, I remember the spiritual birthing process that it took to bring these women together in my new state of WA where I knew no one.

What if you said yes to Jesus and did these things:

👠 Little steps in obedience to the Spirit’s prompting where you decide not to let your fear be louder than God’s voice.

🙏🏼 Time in prayer reflecting on your sin and how Jesus has redeemed you, and radically changed your life. What undeserved grace! The gratitude overflows. The realization of where you’d be without Christ grows. This continual awareness of your need for Christ’s death + resurrection creates a gospel explosion in your heart, and you just have to tell others about Jesus! 💥

↪️ Reorienting your life to build relationships with those who don’t yet know Jesus, and building the Kingdom of God instead of building your own kingdom.

👋🏼 Inviting believing and not yet believing women to gather together in community under the banner of Christ. Pointing each other back to Jesus in the messes of motherhood, doing life together and also gathering for gospel-centered studies, all outside the four walls of a church, where many would never come.

💕 This is how an Agape Moms missional community is born, through much prayer, many small deaths to self, steps of faith, and breathed out by the Spirit of God.

🤔 Is God nudging your heart to reach others with the gospel, and do you need help getting started? I’ve created a training that has equipped and launched multiple Agape Moms across the country. My heart is to see more women encounter Christ and for their families to be transformed by the gospel. Start praying now, and message me if you’d like to talk about starting an Agape Moms in your neighborhood! You can also preview the training or browse our blog at www.AgapeMomsNetwork.com

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